Cork, Ireland is on the Southern coast of Ireland, and the harbor of Cobh (pronounced Cove) is one of the deepest harbors in the world. For some years, this port was the "jumping off" port for ships bound for America, but now, with more advanced ships, most ships leave from Southampton or Dover. Cobh has the distinction of being the last port for the Titanic, and the place where the Lusitania was sunk by U-boats during World War II.

The little port town of Cobh is beautiful, with its cathedral and its row of colored buildings.
Cork is the second largest city in Ireland, with a population of about 400,000 (of a total population in Ireland of about 4 million).
Cork was a busy town -- a very pretty downtown area of narrow shop-lined streets. (We have no photos of Cork.)

We were surprised to see palm trees in Cobh.

The bus ride was through countryside so green that it was truly the emerald isle. It was as beautiful as the photos show it.

The bus did not stop in Cork, but continued on to Blarney Castle.(
BlarneyCastle) Although the weather was rainy, and a rain shower fell, we stood in line to walk up the narrow circular stairs to the top of Blarney Castle to kiss the Blarney Stone, where we were promised "eloquence", or "blarney" more accurately. It was cheesy but fun.

The Blarney Stone is located high at the top of the Blarney Castle (in the open space in the photo). We had to climb the stairs all the way to the top.

You have to lie on your back and kiss the Blarney Stone upside down. It can be reached in no other way. (We kissed the stone knowing that others had just kissed the stone ahead of us -- people with colds or flu or who knows what disease.)
Later, we visited the souvenier shops of Blarney Woollen Mills, just outside the castle. Blarney Woollen Mills (
BlarneyMills) has an interesting history. A man named Kelleher was very, very poor, and worked as a laborer. Somehow, he saved enough money to buy a small souvenier stand outside Blarney Castle. When the woollen mills went bankrupt and was put up for sale, he took out a life insurance policy on himself, his wife, and each of his seven children, and then borrowed all the money he could against those policies. He was able to buy a half interest in the mills. Later he was able to buy out his partner. He did not use the mills, but used the building to sell souveniers. He began to upgrade the souveniers that he sold to higher priced, higher profit items, and he began to make money. Later he also opened a hotel on the site. Now the shop sells very expensive goods along with some cheap souveniers. Blarney Woollen Mills is still owned and operated by the Kelleher family.

Back in the town of Cobh, we took a walk before the ship sailed at 5:00 p.m., beginning its crossing of the Atlantic.

The ship was docked directly in the little town of Cobh, and it was the largest structure in the town.

The pilot is let off, and we sail into the Atlantic, past the final lighthouse.
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