Sunday, May 09, 2010

Phuket, Thailand

We took the tour bus as transportation into the town of Phuket. Then we got a minivan with Fred and Phyllis from North Carolina and the couple from Montreal, Gilles and Denise, and toured Phuket Island.

We stopped first at a cashew processing store, which was interesting.  The cashew nut is a small seed attached to the bottom of a pod that resembles a green pepper.  When the time is right, the seeds are harvested and a worker takes the cashew nut out of the shell, using a table-top press.  After leaving the cashew processing store, we went to a large temple complex, where we stayed for an hour to take photos and look at the various buildings on the grounds.  Bhuddist temples are very beautiful, gleaming in gold.  We then drove to the "big Buddha" that is being constructed on the highest mountain on Phuket Island.  It is a very impressive sight, and can be seen from far off.  We then drove along the coast through the coastal resort towns. On the way back to the ship, we stopped at a jewelry store so our driver could get coupons for gas. It was a very interesting day.

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